Wednesday, June 18, 2008

auf wiedersehen

tomorrow i head to the vast industrial space of berlin. it will be my first trip to germany (not counting a day trip over the french border to Birkenstock, on a school trip, when i was 15. no, i did not buy birkenstocks that day, i'm not that lame).

i'll be meeting up with 3 spanish friends from my semester abroad in grenoble -- one of whom i'll be seeing for the first time since that semester abroad, 3 long (?) years ago. if you have any suggestions of places to go, things to see, apfelkuchens to eat, shops to shop at, then do let me know--

see you next week, lovelies!!

(photos courtesy of juergen and tal bright flickrstreams)


Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Birkenstocks?

Vanessa said...

I'm going to be in Berlin, too! (You might already be there by now.) I enjoy the restaurants Monsieur Vhong and Good Time for great Asian fare. And hopefully, you linger long enough to catch the football match - Germany versus Turkey - on Wednesday by the Brandenburg Tor. It's bound to be a memorable street affair!