Sunday, August 24, 2008

and then

i went for a paddleboat ride on top of london

no really, there i am putting my high school crew team skillz to the test

and then we happened upon an impromptu outdoor big band performance with hundreds of people jitterbugging all over the place.

meet my new boyfriend:
we clicked, what can i say.


kei said...

lol, he looks like an older version of joe.

london has taken kira away! boo. and boo to writing papers and increasing word counts!!! why must summer end???

. said...

the asian dennis hopper

juliet small ernst said...

i support your marrying that man.

i also support your procrastinating. i always think about the day after the paper is due--in your case, september 2nd?--and say to myself, "by that time, i will have finished it!" it's true!

never mind the WORK part.

also, finish and move here already!!

miss you.