Tuesday, August 12, 2008

los angeles, i'm yours

i'm going to see the folks i dig
i'll even kiss a sunset pig
california i'm comin' home

I'm heading to lalala lovely los angeles tomorrow. I'll be driving thru the streets of the past with mum at my side, listening to the same albums we listened to over & over (eric clapton, richard thompason,  desperado soundtrack) in the six months we lived in LA when i was a skinny tow-headed 11-year old. In addition to reliving the past, I'm extraordinarily excited to see my best friend for the first time in something like fifteen ridiculously long months. mahboob reunion nation!!!!!

If you have any suggestions, places i must must see or things i must must eat, pleaaaaase drop me some hints in the comments or email me. Mozza, adorbs molto mario's resto, is on the agenda, as well as echo park/silverlake shopping, Pinkberry binges, and wrecking my stockings in various jukebox dives, starting with Cinespace. 

most likely our first stop out of LAX:

photos via here and here


molly said...

Try stopping in to meet my sister at French General(be sure to call ahead),
and i love shopping in silver lake/los feliz: reform school is so fabulous.
i'm blanking on other loves...sorry!

. said...

the next night we ate whale