Sunday, August 24, 2008

this is what screwing myself over feels like.

so jetlagged i slept til 2 pm.

this morning i learned that our flat's internet will be out til tomorrow. this was welcome news, since i have wayyy too many thousands more words of my dissertation to write by next week. {i am trying not to panic.} however, i have managed to pick up a rogue un-locked connection, so i've managed to keep procrastinating, don't worry about me.

other things to help me procrastinate:
1) discovering a sparkling bright chinese market a block from my flat, massive twig of ginger for 11 p ! wee cuttlefish! tofu for a quid! 
2) brick lane produce market just up the road. the vegetable man asked me to take him home with me along with his broccoli and carrots. i rather gracefully demurred.

it is a Bank Holiday here and so no libraries are open. I'm finding it difficult to concentrate on symbolism and gender and modernism and whatnot here with the French and New Zealand and Singaporean accents swirling around my door. 

We live above a bar. I couldn't even be pissy at the insanely loud music at 3 am last night because it was so good. I almost wanted to jump downstairs in my pj's and say "hey -- nevermind keeping it down -- who IS this?"

1 comment:

. said...

the asian morgan freeman