Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I've had to work every day since I last posted. Gross. Anyway, a rare 2 day breathing space! For Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone! Merry KIRAMAS, too. 

That's right, tomorrow is my 25th birthday. I don't know if I feel apathetic about Christmas this year (blaspheme of blasphemes) because I'm not thrilled about turning 25 (seems like rounding the last of the exciting birthday corners), or because I've been working nonstop, or because I'm in this weird transitional space or what, but the jolly tidings I usually feel seem to be hidden somewhere around here. Hopefully I'll find them under a huge slice of frosting-laden cake on my birthday.

Things have reached epic proportions in my trans-national flirtation. Must be the holiday frenzy. I was invited to escape Chicago's horrific blizzardy freezing mess by moving in with him. "We've got a beach house and a boat!" he drawled.
"Who's WE?" I pointed.
"Well, me and mah dad."
Ah, well, no judgment, I'm currently living with my mother, too.

What else?

On Sunday, I babysat for a pair of awesome 11-year old twins. "We" made a gingerbread house. Which meant that the gingerbread kit came with confusing instructions, and I ended up with flour all over my face, white paste goo everywhere, and a broken home (oh, the metaphors!). 
"Kiraaaaaaa!" they squealed. "Why won't the house work??!" A rare glimpse into the future of motherhood, it did not seem inviting. Clearly I'm unprepared. How the hell does anyone know how to do any of this stuff? I burned the gingerbread men and the house refused to stick to itself. 
"I'm not good at this kind of thing!" I declared. "I'm not very crafty."
" look artsy!" the wee girl pointed out.
"Right, but not this kind of artsy...not..." I trailed off.
"You mean you're not three-dimensionally artistic." 
"Yes, that's right. I best operate in 2-dimensions."

Unfortunately for my loved ones, it's present-wrapping time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe next year you can ask your Auntie - no kit required - I'm crafty.