Sunday, October 12, 2008



a pitbull so white you can see through her fur to the spots on her delicate pink skin found its way into our friend's backyard this weekend, a little beat up and a lot scared. our beloved Tahti, the dog we've had since i was 11, died this summer and we weren't quite ready to bring another one into the family yet, but this sweet thing happened upon us and we couldn't face the idea of bringing her into a shelter, where she would probably never be adopted because 1) she is not a puppy, and everyone wants a puppy 2) she is a very feared breed. 

the vet thinks maybe she was used as a bait dog in dog fights, as she has plenty of teeth marks in her skin, no tags or microchip, and is strong, incredibly strong. but she is seriously the sweetest thing, i think she probably ran away and is now very grateful to be surrounded by love and hot dog-shaped squeak toys. she spooned me last night, literally laid her head on my neck and wrapped her paws around me, breathing gently into my ear. her nose is shaped like a heart. we are dressing her up as michael vick for halloween. 

1 comment:

molly said...

congrats. she sounds amazing!