it was completely serendipitous, i was going to have to begin the arduous flat hunt in the next couple of weeks, which i was seriously not looking forward to doing because it's hell finding a flat in london (i tried it already when i first moved here because I was so miserable with my Draconian student housing complex that I tried to move elsewhere, to no avail).
anyhoodle! the other nite at a book launch party, this girl i had met once thru work and i were chatting, and lo and behold, she needed someone to move into her SICK ASS Shoreditch flat, and I needed a place by summer, and so I went to look at it and OH EM GEE. it is the sweetest fucking flat. Massssssssive common area, living room/workspace/open plan kitchen, 3 really cool arts/design student grads (girls from singapore, denmark, and switzerland), and an adorable little room for yours truly! AND IT HAS A DISHWASHER AND A ROOF GARDEN. SOLD! It's in my favorite area in London, exactly where I was going to concentrate my flat hunt. I can't believe it, it's almost too good to be true. whee. I move in the end of June, just after I return from visiting my wonderful Spaniards in Berlin.
it's beautiful!!!
so, pretty much i can already see that just reading your blog will make me miss london and my days of fun and freedom spent there. enjoy it!!
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