SPOTTED: S. strolling hand in hand through Green Park with her boytoy, circa 1.30 pm.
In case you guys didn't get that, I SAW SIENNA MOTHA-UCKIN' MILLER TODAY! first celebrity sighting since i've lived here, bloody hell, 7 months later! with miss moss, et. al. regularly falling out of every soho nightclub, you'd think i'd have seen one of them by now.
sienna miller and rhys ifans strolled FOUR FEET from my beach blanket to-day. i was lying in the lovely Green Park, getting my tan on (it's 80 degrees here! amaRzing!) and reading margaret atwood's latest short story collection, when i look up and who do i see but the unmistakable pair -- him, tall, platinum blonde, goofy looking but actually kind of a babe, and sienna, just really truly gorgeous, longish straw blonde hair parted center, looking natural and lovely, no makeup or sunglasses, with a cute belted mini-dress. they cut right through the area where i was, and i made eye contact with them briefly and smiled and went back to my book and then of course, as soon as they walked off, i took a photo. it's from behind, because i didn't want to be ONE OF THOSE who gawk so as to make them fully aware of the gawking. when they walked away i looked around and none of the other 7 clusters of people around me had noticed that it was them! i was so googly excited. whee. she's pretty. i like her. Factory Girl blew but she was actually pretty great in it, and in that steve buscemi film, too.
well, anyway, it was a thrilling moment. much better than walking next to madonna & lourdes on the upper east side a few years back.
lourdes is kinda creepy looking. also for some reason, this thought comes to mind: perez hilton would kill to be you so he could harass her, maybe paint her face with some white out in person. i'm sorry that that's one of the first associations i make of miss miller, but i've come to accept the ways in which perez hilton has invaded my capacity to think.
btw, i had a question: what is topshop like? is it like h&m/zara et al but better?
SO JEALOUS. I only ever see lame people. Like bad American comedian Rich Hall. That's akin to seeing your old science teacher on the street.
how exciting! i don't care, i love sienna miller.
I like neither Sienna Miller nor Keira Knightley, but I think the upcoming flick "The Edge Of Love", about Dylan Thomas, might show them in quite a different light as credible actors. The trailer at least looks really good.
I do like your blog though. A lot.
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