Friday, January 30, 2009


FRIEND FAIL: leaving a fatigued kirsten at the bottom-ish o' camelback mountain to climb my way to the top. last time i attempted it, when i lived in phoenix, i brought my wee dog and he had difficulty pawing his wee claws up the side o' the mountain (chihuahua mixes don't = mountain goats).

MILEAGE FAIL: when people say "it's just another mile or so up," they mean vertical miles, which, folks, feel way different than HORIZONTAL miles. fyi.

Flagstaff cafes: topical.

getting my dance on at gas stazns across this nazn.


thetiniestspark said...

Only half fail! iI made it half way up that bitch!

Anonymous said...

To Tiniest spark: There's no shame in not making it all the way. I got all the way up to dracula's castle only to vomit on it. At least you tried!