Tuesday, August 05, 2008

the best marketing idea i've ever seen

1) this shit is awesome
2) it's actually a feeder ad for a dating website -- at the end they're all "still don't want to date a unicorn? how about a real person?" and then a link to this new dating site. any site that makes up a list like this -- along with 9 reasons not to date a t-rex:

gets my vote pretty immediately.


Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm. Carcus!

juliet small ernst said...

have you read the mcsweeney's book of lists? it is unicorn-centric--and unicorn-tastic!

their list of "things that make unicorns cry" includes:

-those who refuse to believe in them
-getting punched in the horn
-wat, poverty, injustice--same things as you and me


Missa said...

my vote too... awesome!