Saturday, February 14, 2009

don't change a hair for me

So we just took a surreal kickboxing class at crunch fitness at which the instructor took a more than passing resemblance to Rex "roundhouse kick to the face" Kwan Do.  I was waiting for him to start screaming about Starla at any moment, it was kind of scary. And awesome. And sweaty.
just kidding. raja's in town with all his stanford business school frendz and we're going to dance at some new club where radiohead threw a big party last weekend. which is almost the same as sobbing yourself to sleep. PSYCH. here's to 90% fewer emotionally unbalanced/unavailable/demented/psychotic dickheads in '09! 
no but seriously, happy valentine's, everyone. <3


eddie said...

happy day lover.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it but the unbalanced/unavailable/demented/psychotic dickheads are what will make you forgive the man you love someday when he's less than perfect or is driving you completely mad.
Love, the voice of experience.