Monday, February 09, 2009

i just want to see you underwater

Vic posted about these awhile ago, but I came across them again this evening and they appeared especially magical. What a lovely project by some Russian designers, called Your Personal Moon. more here.

I love this poem by Kendra Grant Malone. And not only because the smell of christmas gets a mention.

I wish this place would hire me, but they, like everywhere else in Los Angeles, it seems, are not hiring. bleurg.

Fuck yes I just paid $13 for Sam Pink's book, "I am going to clone myself then kill the clone and eat it." He sent me his last chapbook, "Yum Yum I can't wait to die" for free, which I fucking loved and read like 3 times and keep on my nightstand so in case I need to laugh before bed/in the middle of the night/immediately upon waking, I have it at my beck and fucking call. I will have one less bottle of wine and approximately 2 less delicious things to eat/drink this week because of the unexpected cost of this book, but that is okay, because Sam Pink's words are that worth it. 

Also, I am 73% certain I am getting an earache. 


Kendra Grant Malone said...

thank you sweetpea

Anonymous said...

i wished to work at skylight, too. zines everywhere and awesome lesbian girl hangout. sigh. maybe in ny!