Monday, February 09, 2009

i would like to get to know this fence better

at the late great hour of 8.58 pm, i've found what to do with MY evening. my date with juliet, rhan, & louis theroux (wisher of wishes!!! as close as i can get, a viewing of one of his documentaries) was postponed til tomorrow since i have to get up so early for work. This means i'll be cuddling up to a short documentary on Objectum Sexuality before bed. Oh, internet, you are full of so many random wonderful things. Apparently this phenomenon features women (always women, strangely) who fall in love with objects, such as fences, crossbows, amusement park rides, and tourist attractions. Clip can be seen here on Jezebel, full documentary Married to the Eiffel Tower (really, she is) here. Waoooooowwwwww.

1 comment:

juliet small ernst said...

gah isn't it fascinating and freaky??

there are so many moments, but the girl underneath the 1001 nacht, talking about its fluids and its smell...


we shall discuss tomorrow.